Samsung Galaxy S II Not Hitting U.S. Until September?
Finally, we have some sort of official day to look forward to in regards to the Samsung Galaxy S II that has had a long road to launch day in the United States. Sadly, the day is probably further away than most of you hoped for with Samsung sending out invitations for an event that is presumably having to do with the Galaxy II’s launch in the United States.
The invite, of course, doesn’t explicitly say that the event/announcement has anything to do with the Galaxy S II but judging by the ‘II’ in the bottom left corner of the invite and from the fact that this is a ‘major product announcement’ I get the feeling that it is. August 29th is when this thing is going down and I have a feeling that devices won’t be on shelves that day.
Many of you out there have been hoping that the Galaxy S II would be out in August. However, from the looks of things, an August 29th announcement probably means that devices won’t hit shelves until September. I can’t remember the last time an announcement and launch took place on the same day, folks. Can you?
It makes sense though. All we’ve been hearing are September release dates. Sprint’s device, the Epic 4G Touch has a rumored September release date and T-Mobile’s Samsung Hercules, which may or may not be the carrier’s Galaxy S II device, has a rumored September release date as well.
So, it’s looking like the Motorola Droid Bionic’s release in September isn’t going to be such a bad thing after all, well, unless Samsung miraculously launches devices on the day of the announcement.
Anyone going to be holding out for a September launch?
Via: Android Central
08/12/2011 at 5:50 pm
do i have a choice?
08/12/2011 at 5:50 pm
do i have a choice?
08/12/2011 at 5:52 pm
With the choices being a GSII phone and the Bionic in September, as well as a potential iPhone release in October, hopefully I’ll know what I’m getting by September 7th.
08/12/2011 at 5:52 pm
With the choices being a GSII phone and the Bionic in September, as well as a potential iPhone release in October, hopefully I’ll know what I’m getting by September 7th.
08/12/2011 at 5:56 pm
I have waited all year for the Bionic to come out so no problem waiting until September or October for that matter to select the best phone available. Still very curious about what the Samsung Stratosphere is. The HTC Vigor sounds pretty cool as well. We shall see.
08/12/2011 at 6:01 pm
Adam (editor)
thanks for the work in getting Samsung to comment on the leaked roadmap.
i think the leak is true as they don’t typically respond for no reason. i also think the top phone on the list is the Google Nexus 3. why else would they not want us to holdout? i think they’re trying to keep the focus on the galaxy s II or they wouldn’t have bothered to speak up. it certainly wouldn’t benefit them to comment on an upcoming Nexus release at this time, agreed?
the rumors of Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) in 4th quarter (could be a tablet?) plus the first ICS smartphone before the holiday’s means i’m holding out for the next google phone. after all Samsung has not even addressed the release of gingerbread for the Galaxy S line and it’s only been 8+ months? at this rate if i picked up the Galaxy SII when could I reasonbly expect an update from Gingerberad to ICS, 2013?
until the carriers and / or manufactuers can streamline the Android OS updates, I’m only willing to deal with the Google Nexus brand.
who’s with me? will you make the leap to the Galaxy SII at this point or are you willing to wait a little longer for the 3rd Google Nexus and real time Android updates?
08/12/2011 at 6:32 pm
I am with you, Zarchek. I don’t need the latest and greatest, but I have the original MyTouch 3G, that contract expired in July, and I have been waiting it out to see what is to be released for months.
My MT3G still rocks as a business tool. Touchdown and core Google functionality still work great (using CM’s 4.2, an Android 1.6 ROM,) but I am missing some 2.x functionality, like Chrome2phone, etc., and speed, obviously. I can hold out another month or two.
If I have to wait until mid-to-late September to get the SII, I can really wait until October or November for the Nexus 3. Had the S2 been scheduled for release in August, I would have it (or be getting it.) Since it is now September, the Nexus 3 (Nexus Prime) is looking like the better option now.
My question then becomes, “who is making that N3 device?” Did I see Motorola with the TI chip? I am totally not interested in any device with front buttons, and I understand Google is of the same mindset. Buttons suck. So do keyboards (let the flames begin on that…haha….personal preference.)
Also, will that Nexus 3 go to all carriers? I can’t do Sprint or T-Mo any longer in my area, but I will go VZW or AT&T.
08/13/2011 at 4:05 am
thanks for the reply Jack.
one nice thing about these next generation phones is that they are all finally capable phones. no longer are we beta testers with the need to replace our phone every few months. whether the Galaxy SII, Droid Bionic, Nexus 3, etc…the phones finally have fast enough processors in dual core, enough ram with 1 full GB, 4G and a stable OS that runs/screams like electricity. while i’ll never sign another two year contract i won’t feel the “need” to replace my phone with each new release as I have in the past. i feel with my next phone in the Nexus i’ll be able to maintain each year until the next Nexus is released.
my opinion on your question regarding who is making it: I think it’s Samsung and I hope so as well. I’ve been a T-Mobile customer for over 8 years now and the Samsung Galaxy S is above and beyond any other phone I’ve used. Since Android was released in October 2008, I’ve used nearly every t-mobile phone for a minimum of two weeks. HTC, Motorola (on Verizon & T-Mobile), Sony (on AT&T) & Samsung Nexus S. I really did enjoy the Nexus S but with no HSPA+ support it seemed pointless. I’m confident Google won’t make the same mistake a 3rd time and release a phone that won’t surpass the like of the Galaxy SII.
I hope the leaked roadmap from Samsung regarding the next 9 phones is accurate and I believe it is or at least in regards to the most elite phone in that group, the I-9250. The Nexus 3 or Nexus Prime is rumored to have a 5mp camera which seems odd w/ 8mp quickly becoming the standard but the original leak regarding the Prime was said to have an enhanced 5mp camera which was again confirmed by the leaked roadmap. I can’t imagine Google would do away from the Super AMOLED plus which has also been the most talked about. There was some talk of TI and Android love which makes me think we’ll see the TI OMAP 4460 @ 1.5GHZ or if the rumors of 720p true high definition it could mean the TI OMAP 4470 which would sure as hell be worth the wait. Either way, the rumors have me willing to wait and see. Couple the rumors with the fact that Ice Cream Sandwich is on the way, Samsung has its chance and it blew it by playing games with US consumers.
Your last question regarding which carrier will they launch with? I think T-Mobile is a given which is good news for you: the proposed AT&T / T-Mobile “merger” means that any new T-Mobile phone will be equipped with GSM frequencies to support both companies or in your case AT&T. My gut says they’ll launch with all the carriers and if you have the choice, while AT&T’s HSPA+ network will be nice convert from your 3g, there’s nothing like Verizon’s LTE network if it’s up and running in your city.
Jack, I’m in no way an expert on these issue’s. I’m just drawing conclusions from what I read but I can tell you that as a tech investor, I read most anything and everything I can find and not much gets past me. I wish you the best of luck with your next purchase. -Zarchek
08/13/2011 at 2:48 pm
I’m disgusted with all the Android high-end phone makers on Big Red. I migh as well wait to see what the iPhone5 is, and heck Mango is right around the corner then.
08/19/2011 at 8:38 pm
SG2 > Mango > iphone5
08/19/2011 at 8:37 pm
I’ve waited since they were introduced to almost every countries in the world and a couple of other planets as well…so another 3 weeks should be ok..If October, then I’ll be very pissed…but might still wait. F U to all the US carriers trying to change the SG2 beautiful form factor and in turn delaying for the US release.
08/23/2011 at 4:41 am
Any idea when AT&T is releasing theirs? Also, are they going to have a non slider one?