Samsung Galaxy KitKat Update Breakdown (January)
While most eyes are currently fixated on Samsung and its plans for Android 5.0 Lollipop, there are others out there still looking for Android 4.4 KitKat and in some cases, Android 4.4.4 KitKat. With the Samsung Galaxy Android 5.0 Lollipop roll out underway, we want to take a look at where Samsung’s Android 4.4 KitKat update is at right now and where it’s going in the future.
At the end of 2013, Google started rolling out a brand new operating system dubbed Android 4.4 KitKat. The update, the successor to Android 4.3 Jelly Bean, was not a significant overhaul to the Android OS but it was a welcomed update nonetheless thanks to the improvements, and features, that Google and its manufacturing partners tacked onto it.
In the beginning of 2014, Samsung started rolling out its first Android 4.4 KitKat update in the form of the Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.4.2 KitKat update. A Galaxy S4 Android 4.4.2 KitKat update soon followed and in the months after, the company pushed out Android 4.4.2 KitKat updates to a number of different Galaxy smartphones and tablets.
It has been nearly a year since Samsung first started pushing out Android 4.4 KitKat and unsurprisingly, the company is now replacing it with another update, a big time Android update dubbed Android 5.0 Lollipop. Android 5.0 Lollipop is currently rolling out to the Galaxy S5 and it’s positioned to roll out to a number of other devices in the near future. Despite the presence of Android 5.0 Lollipop, Google’s Android 4.4 KitKat OS remains a figure in the Samsung Android update world and in the past few weeks we’ve seen a number of new developments.
Today, a year after its release, we want to take a look at the Samsung Galaxy KitKat update, the progress it has made, and the future of Samsung’s now aging Android 4.4.2 KitKat and Android 4.4.4 KitKat operating systems for Galaxy smartphones.
Android 4.4.2 KitKat Update
Believe it or not, Samsung and its carrier partners are still pushing out a number of Android 4.4.2 KitKat updates to various Galaxy-branded devices. While some of these Android 4.4.2 KitKat updates are small bug fixes for devices already running Android 4.4.2 KitKat, there are some updates that represent the first move to Android 4.4 KitKat.
Most of the recent Android 4.4.2 KitKat updates from Samsung revolve around the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Samsung’s aging former flagship that started getting the Android 4.4.2 KitKat update in April. In recent weeks, we’ve seen a few major updates cruise out including a Galaxy Note 2 Android 4.4.2 KitKat update for well known French carrier SFR. That update was for the 4G model and most of the update’s that we’re seeing right now appear to be for the 4G cellular model. Australian carrier Vodafone also recently rolled out Android 4.4.2 KitKat to its Cat.3 Galaxy S4.
SamMobile is also keeping a running list of Android 4.4.2 KitKat updates for the more obscure carriers and countries and we’ve seen a number of Android 4.4.2 KitKat updates land for devices like the GALAXY Young 2 DUOS, Galaxy S5 mini, and more. Point is, if you’re still rocking Android 4.3 Jelly Bean, your move to Android 4.4 KitKat should be coming soon.
It’s important to note that the few Galaxy S3 Android 4.4.2 KitKat updates that we once saw have all vanished into thin air without a trace. Samsung pushed out Android 4.4.2 KitKat to a number of Galaxy S3 LTE models before the roll out disappeared. Our best guess at this point is that most Galaxy S3 models will stick around on Android 4.3 Jelly Bean.
Android 4.4.4 KitKat Update
Samsung’s also been rolling out a limited number of Android 4.4.4 KitKat updates. Most of them have been bug fixes for devices like the Galaxy Note 4, Galaxy Alpha and Galaxy Note Edge though we’ve seen a few other Android 4.4.4 KitKat updates trickle out.
Maybe the most interesting of the bunch was an Android 4.4.4 KitKat update for the Galaxy S3. The update landed for a specific version of the device and we haven’t seen any movement since it hit the GT-9305N. With the roll out now in the dust, we doubt that we’re going to see it hit any other models though Samsung could opt to change its mind.
We’ve seen a number of Android 4.4.4 KitKat updates hit the United States, most recently a Galaxy S5 Android 4.4.4 KitKat update for users on Sprint. The update was a massive bug fixer and it delivered a significant change log to Galaxy S5 users, likely in preparation for Lollipop.
Overall, Samsung’s Android 4.4.4 KitKat push has been extremely limited and with Android 5.0 on the horizon for most devices, we aren’t expecting too many upgrades from Android 4.4.2 KitKat to Android 4.4.4. Bug fixes are a possibility but it looks like a majority of upcoming updates are either going to be Android 4.4.2 KitKat (perhaps with 4.4.4 fixes on board) or Android 5.0.
Upcoming Galaxy Android 4.4 KitKat Updates
There are a number of Android 4.4 KitKat updates in the pipeline or so it would seem. Unless these carriers decide to jump right to Android 5.0, we should see a number of new Android 4.4.2 KitKat updates move out to owners of aging smartphones and tablets. Most carriers refuse to divulge details so we’ve done our best to round up as many details as humanly possible. We’re start with North America.
Canadian carrier Rogers still says that it plans to push Android 4.4.3 (?) to the Galaxy S4 mini and Galaxy S3 mini though the company hasn’t offered any specifics. Both of those updates have been listed as “coming soon” for a number of months now.
Elsewhere, French carrier SFR says that it’s planning to push Android 4.4.2 KitKat updates to the Galaxy Express 2, Galaxy Grand 2, Galaxy S4 zoom, and Galaxy Mega in the near future. It does not provide specific dates.
Australian carriers Vodafone, Telstra and Optus also have provided numerous details regarding upcoming Android 4.4.2 KitKat updates. Most of these updates, including upgrades for the Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy S4, center on release dates in January and February. Samsung and its Australian carriers have had trouble with these updates behind the scenes and delays have pushed some of these updates into February, or, more than a year after Android 4.4 KitKat’s release.
lennon mantilla
01/06/2015 at 5:31 pm
im like waiting forever im still stock on 4.2.2
on my samsung galaxy s4 gti9505 im in philippines
please email me for updates please !!!!!!!!!
mohsin patel
01/07/2015 at 5:32 am
mohsin patel
01/07/2015 at 5:34 am
Samsungs galaxy note n700 android 4.4.4 plaz sir app
Ali Gaul
01/10/2015 at 12:07 pm
Jalibin di ubah menjadi kitkat
02/03/2015 at 4:02 pm
My phone hasn’t updated from 4.1.1
02/03/2015 at 4:07 pm
My phone hasn’t updated from 4.1.1.
Katrina Strub
02/08/2015 at 5:15 pm
I am so Lost and confused. Have the S4, metro pcs. Right now my phone doesn’t want to hold a charge worth a squat. I am about to do the 4.4.4 update…ALL troubleshooting issues have been addressed….even got a new battery. HELP!!!
Sayyed wasim
02/21/2015 at 5:50 am
I am still waiting my cell grand 2 update version 4.4.4
02/28/2015 at 7:30 am
I have samsung galaxy s3 i9300 my phone getting very slow and not updating software ahead4.3 jelli bean I want to update In 4.44 kitkat how I get kitkat version in my device.
navin kumar mandal
03/09/2015 at 9:50 pm
I have samsung galaxy grand 2 my phone getting very slow and not updating software ahead 4.3 jelli bean I want to update In 4.44 kitkat how I get kitkat version in my device.
03/29/2015 at 12:13 am
I M waiting for 4.4.4 in grand 2 where other cheaper smart phone like moto e and xolo have delivered their lolipop so plz say samsung atleast 4.4 in grand 2 i m using 4.4.2 so plzz do hurry samsung else i wii go for moto x having Android L
07/21/2015 at 12:16 am
07/21/2015 at 12:17 am
Vinvghj hjivhi uuuii
07/24/2015 at 10:34 pm
I am stuck on 4.2.2…really annoying and now i cant update my other apps because it says that i need to update my software but i still dont have notification update..i am using samsung galaxy mega 6.3…so annoying!!!
08/01/2015 at 12:13 am
Still waiting an update 4.4.4 for grand 2
09/30/2015 at 7:04 am
please give update for samsung galaxy grand 2 duos 4.4.2 to 4.4.4
10/04/2015 at 10:42 pm
Need up data for my Samsung galaxy s3
01/26/2016 at 11:33 pm
Pleezzzzz give me update for galxy s3
09/29/2016 at 7:33 pm
Plllzzz give me ideas Samsung galaxy note 2 update.. .. Made in Vietnam