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Star Wars Battlefront Tips for Busy People



Use the App

Use the App

EA's released a companion application for Star Wars Battlefront. The companion app comes with a game called Base Command but that's not the important thing here.

What is important is that you can interact with your character using the app. You can check stats, make customization changes, and more.

I've been using it in bed and when I'm out (shh, don't tell my girlfriend) to research and make moves so that I'm as ready as possible each and every time I play.



  1. Martinebailey

    11/28/2015 at 1:14 am

    0=13 my best friend’s step-sister makes $62 every hour on the laptop . She has been without work for 6 months but last month her pay check was $14905 just working on the laptop for a few hours.

    you can try here… See More

  2. Garylking

    01/01/2016 at 7:54 am

    1=10 my buddy’s sister makes $89 /hour on the laptop . She has been unemployed for nine months but last month her payment was $13669 just working on the laptop for a few hours.

    you can check here… See More

  3. JaxDagger

    06/28/2016 at 7:48 pm

    a few tips for battlefront, going to be making more soon

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