SwiftKey X: Android’s Best Keyboard Goes On Sale, Arrives on Honeycomb
After using SwiftKey X, typing on a standard Android smartphone keyboard will feel like sending emails with Morse Code. Instead of asking you to learn a new way of typing SwiftKey X focuses on a responsive, incredibly predictive experience that delivers the bet typing experience on Android.
To celebrate the one year birthday of SwiftKey, the company is offering discounts and launching the Android Honeycomb split keyboard version of SwiftKey X.
For the next 48 hours you can score big savings on this awesome keyboard. SwiftKey X is available as a free upgrade to SwiftKey customers who purchases the app on the Android market. If you haven’t already purchased SwiftKey X for your phone or tablet, there’s a deal for you too.
SwiftKey X Deals
SwiftKey X for phones is available for $1.99 on the Android market for the next 2 days, a discount of $2.
SwiftKey Tablet X, a split thumb keyboard with great predictive text is also on sale for $1.99, a drop of $3 from the normal price.
SwiftKey Tablet X Features
Both of these keyboards are way better than the stock keyboards and offer tremendous value at $1.99. If you only buy one app for your Android smartphone this month, it should be SwiftKey X. It’s the first app I install on a new phone and one of my favorite apps of all time.
SwiftKey X Top Features

07/14/2011 at 2:22 pm
Awesome :-)
But it would be great to have the split keyboard asmon option when using a phone in Landscape mode!
Randall Garrett
07/14/2011 at 3:03 pm
I am still waiting for some sort of keyboard with arrow keys… Using touch to move the I-cursor is incredibly lame and inefficient IMHO. Still, this looks like a great improvement to the stock keyboards, just wish SOMEone would notice that hardware keyboards have arrow keys and emulate same. Folks woud FAIL a hardware keyboard without arrow keys, why not a virtual keyboard?… Just my 2¢…
07/14/2011 at 8:35 pm
Swype has the arrows you are looking for. The arrow keys are accesed by swyping from the swype key through the symbol key. There are many other useful keys that are accessed using that technique.
07/14/2011 at 8:35 pm
Swype has the arrows you are looking for. The arrow keys are accesed by swyping from the swype key through the symbol key. There are many other useful keys that are accessed using that technique.
07/14/2011 at 6:22 pm
Per the SwiftKey X knowledgebase: “In SwiftKey X, there is also the option to display arrow keys on the
home screen. To turn these on please go into Settings → Keyboard→Arrow
07/03/2013 at 1:15 pm
I have been using SwiftKey for about 6 months, and think that the accuracy is much better than Swype with the stock keyboard. I still have some issues getting it to recognize the difference when I am trying to type “or” vs “our” and other similar words. But in general, it makes my typing much faster.