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10 Exciting Uncharted 4 Details



Beautiful Graphics

Beautiful Graphics

While Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection will be a good start on the PS4, these three games won't have anything on a game that was developed specifically for the PlayStation 4 and its powerful hardware. 

We haven't seen the entire game yet but from the demostrations that we've seen, Naughty Dog's game looks absolutely stunning. The environments look rich, detailed and destructible. The character models look realistic. And everything we've seen looks fast and fluid. 

The directors touched on some of the smaller details telling the official Sony Blog that during the car chase sequence "you’re ploughing through fences, smashing other cars, pineapples are flying everywhere, and every time the jeep slams into a building and it reacts, the more invested in the moment the player feels and believes the building is there."

Sure, we wish the one player experience would run at 60FPS but if Naughty Dog does opt for 30FPS, we still think this game is going to look great. We've been waiting for the true wave of next-gen Xbox and PlayStation games and Uncharted 4 looks like it will help usher in that era in a big way. 

And yes, we're excited that the door is still open for 60FPS multiplayer. 



  1. Inderjeet

    06/25/2015 at 11:27 pm

    Hopefully we won’t have much longer to wait.

  2. John

    07/11/2015 at 9:57 pm

    Can not get 8 digit network pin

  3. John

    07/11/2015 at 9:59 pm

    Can no get 8 digits network pin

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