Battlefield 1: Which Edition to Buy?
If you’re thinking about putting in an order for Battlefield 1 allow us to take you through each edition of the game and tell you which one you might, and might not, want to order today.
Its been several months since the release of Battlefield 1 and DICE continues to update the game in new and interesting ways.
The company’s released several free updates including its brand new Winter Battlefield 1 update for all three platforms. These updates have delivered new features and fixes for lingering issues. The game is far more stable than it was at launch.
DICE has also launched a Battlefield 1 Community Test Environment (CTE) and it’s poised to release the Battlefield 1 DLC 1 dubbed They Shall Not Pass. Battlefield 1 is as exciting as ever and you might be feeling tempted to pickup a copy.
You can buy Battlefield 1 at a number of retailers and if you’ve thought about putting in an order you’ve no doubt encountered the game’s various editions.
Today we want to go over each of those Battlefield 1 editions and try and help you make the right choice for you and your console.
Battlefield 1 Standard Edition
The most basic version of Battlefield 1 is the Standard Edition. This version usually retails for $60 but we’ve seen a ton of Battlefield 1 deals emerge in 2017. You should be able to find it for $40 or cheaper.
As the standard version, it delivers the least amount of content. You get a copy of the game and that’s it. The game’s Premium Pass is sold separately and you’ll miss out on some additional items including themed weapons and vehicles.
So who should buy this edition of Battlefield 1? Simple:
- Newcomers to the Battlefield series.
- Those that don’t have a ton of time to play games.
It’s the safest, and cheapest, version of Battlefield 1.
Battlefield 1 Deluxe Edition
If you’re willing to pay a little more for your copy of Battlefield 1, you could opt for the Battlefield 1 Deluxe Edition.
The Battlefield 1 Deluxe Edition, once known as the Early Enlister Edition, comes with a number of bonuses. Those bonuses come with a real cost to you though.
For $20 (or so, there are deals out there) more you’ll get a copy of the game, two theme packs, five Battlepacks that contain a variety of items (and maybe even a rare item or two if you’re lucky), and some new appearances for the game’s vehicles. Here’s how that breaks down.
- Red Baron Pack: Vehicle Package: Red Baron’s Triplane, Sidearm: Red Baron’s P08, Emblem: Red Baron’s Flyer Pin.
- Lawrence of Arabia Pack: Horse: Lawrence of Arabia’s Black Stallion (new visual appearance for the horse), Weapon: Lawrence of Arabia’s SMLE, Sidearm: Lawrence of Arabia’s Jambiya, Emblem: Lawrence of Arabia’s Emblem.
- New visual appearances for the largest vehicles in the game: Frontline Camouflage Train, Night Raid Airship, Dazzle Camouflage Dreadnought.
So who should shell out the extra cash for this edition of Battlefield 1?
- People who know they are going to invest a ton of time in Battlefield 1.
- People that enjoy having more than just the base items/skins unlocked at the start.
Battlefield 1 Collector’s Edition
Amazon is also selling an exclusive Battlefield 1 Collector’s Edition. It’ll cost you a pretty penny but it’ll net you a ton of Battlefield related stuff.
This edition comes with a copy of the game and some unique items including a collector’s edition statue that stands 14″ high, a deck of Battlefield 1 playing cards, a steelbook case, a messenger pigeon tube with exclusive DLC content (Doughboy M1911), an exclusive patch, and premium packaging.
If you select the Deluxe version of the Collector’s Edition (which is actually a bit cheaper than the Standard version is right now), you’ll get everything that comes with the Deluxe Edition we outlined above.
This version of the game is, in our opinion, aimed at one person in particular: The diehard Battlefield fan. (Or someone who needs to have every single piece of Battlefield 1 DLC, whatever the cost.)
Most people should opt for the Standard or Deluxe edition of Battlefield 1.
Battlefield 1 Ultimate Edition
On top of these three options there’s also a Battlefield 1 Ultimate Edition that nets you the Deluxe Edition and the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass. The Premium Pass is a Season Pass that nets you all four DLC expansions, battlepacks, dog tags, and more.
The Battlefield 1 Ultimate Edition is currently $130 most places. (Deluxe Edition is $80, Premium Pass is $50, 80+50=130) We haven’t seen too many deals for the Ultimate Edition, at least not yet.
This version is aimed at those that want all of Battlefield 1’s content though it should only be purchased if you can’t find any deals on the Deluxe Edition and the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass.
We’ve seen several deals on those two so be sure to look around before you commit to the Ultimate Edition. You might save yourself some money
Digital vs. Physical Edition
You’ll also need to decide if you want to buy a physical or digital copy of Battlefield 1. There are a few differences between the two.
If you decide to order the physical version of Battlefield 1, you’ll be able to sell it to a store like GameStop for credit toward another game. Or you can sell it for straight cash via eBay or Craigslist or another site of your choosing.
You’ll also be able to lend your copy of Battlefield 1 out to friends or family members if you grow tired of it after you’ve exhausted the content.
Note that EA isn’t selling Battlefield 1 for PC with a disc in the United States. You’ll be able to buy the box in stores but it won’t come with a disc. It’ll come with a code instead.
Some of you might have a mountain of discs and cases sitting around collecting dust. Buying the digital version will help you cutdown on potential clutter.
If you are the parent to a destructive child, or if you yourself take horrible care of your games, it might be wise to buy a digital copy to avoid damage to the disc.
There’s also the convenience factor. If you buy the game digitally, you won’t have to look for and/or pop in the disc every time you want to play Battlefield 1. If you’re the lazy type, the digital format might be perfect for you.

05/12/2016 at 11:16 pm
whats with the black figure? Really, WW1 was fought by 95% whites, with some North African. Blacks were not even a percent of combat troops!
Panda Cat
05/13/2016 at 11:52 am
10/06/2016 at 2:11 am
there is literally nothing racist about that statement
10/14/2016 at 12:16 pm
There is also no real need for such a comment.
10/17/2016 at 2:10 am
Why does there have to be a “need” for a question to be valid? Who made you the question police?
05/16/2016 at 2:34 pm
I don’t understand that either. There’s not a racist bone in my body but come on this is a game about a war fought in 1914-1917, there were almost no black combat troops to my knowledge. Seems like straight pandering…
03/04/2017 at 3:52 pm
1914-1918 you stupid faggot
Justin Tiberius Brandau
05/16/2016 at 6:39 pm
The story, at least partly, follows a soldier who is a part of the 369th Infantry Regiment. They were an all a black / Puerto Rican, segregated combat regiment. The regiment was nicknamed the Harlem Hellfighters, the Black Rattlers and the Men of Bronze, which was given to the regiment by the French. The nickname “Hell Fighters” was given to them by the Germans due to their toughness and that they never lost a man through capture, lost a trench or a foot of ground to the enemy.
So that’s the historical precedent. Let’s remember though this is a work of fantasy. We’ll see plenty of historically inaccurate moments in this game. I already picked out about a dozen questionable images from the trailer alone. So, just mellow out pal.
03/03/2017 at 8:38 am
Well, they just made sure that all of those “not even a percent” were in the game, that’s why.
Ian Cunningham
05/13/2016 at 1:56 pm
You can’t preorder the standard edition on PlayStation in American currently yet you can preorder the early enlister edition anybody know why?
06/16/2016 at 5:44 am
Ok, so explain to me this… I assume that this battlefield will come with a season pass (premium). Why would I buy the deluxe edition when I am already planning on purchasing the season pass for an additional 50.
Patrick van Dee
09/11/2016 at 6:24 am
For the other pre-order bonusses?
Shahan Bedrosian
06/21/2016 at 6:29 pm
standard edition is not available on PlayStation store? why?
Michael Janzen
10/08/2016 at 1:24 pm
With the Deluxe edition you can play 3 days before release. with the Standard edition you cant. So why should you pre-order?
07/06/2016 at 2:53 am
Truth is the first casualty in war.
09/13/2016 at 6:42 am
Is there a special edition coming for cd??
09/22/2016 at 7:22 am
So no dlc included in the 80 dollar version?
11/25/2016 at 4:14 pm
It’s not included in any versions it’s only sold separately
10/09/2016 at 6:11 am
They separate Early Enlister and Season Pass with each other so they trick customers into paying more. Visually it doesn’t look pleasing to ask 110$ for the full package, however making people pay 60$ before release and then another 50$ might make more people willing to pay the extra cost.
10/20/2016 at 4:58 am
I can’t speak for the US involvment but there were more than 500 Aboriginal Australians who fought in the first world war. Minorities also deserve a voice and I applaud the decision by the developers to honor such soldiers who also played a critical part in WW1, and, I might add, have been often ignored. https://www.dva.gov.au/i-am/aboriginal-andor-torres-strait-islander/indigenous-australians-war
Charles Stafford
12/12/2016 at 3:03 am
I Have a question, i got BF1 on pc but why did it come with 5 discs?
MIke R
03/14/2017 at 7:58 pm
Perhaps black soldiers are mentioned here despite their limited number because of the valor in which they fought in this war? Also, what is the big deal about focusing on the half of one percent or whatever of a certain race that fought in the Great War? The Americans were included as a playable faction before the French, yet they joined the war at the tail end of it, while the French fought and died for the entirety of the war. No one points this out, though. The Hellfighters were said to have never lost an inch of trench which was a real feat during this war. Also, many black soldiers did not get their due, and were not awarded medals for their valor accordingly so they got screwed over by racial prejudices of the day. I’m not racist nor am I a far-left apologist (I’m conservative AND I voted for Trump, just so you get an idea of where my line of thinking lies) but think about this for perspective: Last Samurai had a white guy as the main character in Japan, The Great Wall has a white guy as the main protagonist, and there are many other examples of a minority playing a majority role, but few people seem to question it.
04/11/2017 at 8:40 am
hello there,
My friends have Battlefield 1 Standard edition and i am thinking to buy Deluxe edition so the question is can we play online together?
thanks & regards