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Best Racing Games for iPhone & iPad



AG Drive

AG Drive

Forget cars that are the road today and buckle in for a futuristic racer on anti-gravity tracks. It's one of the most exciting racing games for iPad and iPhone. If you buy this game once, you can play it on your iPhone, your iPad and on the Apple TV. The game reminds us of Wipeout and F-Zero, updated for mobile play.

You can play through bigger events or jump into a quick race when you only have a minute or two for playing. In addition to great visuals that include futuristic highways and otherworldly scenes that include ships taking off. Play through tracks during the day, at sunset and enjoy night time racing for a change of pace. The soundtrack definitely adds to the game, so you should grab a pair of headphones when you play. 

In-App Purchases: $2.99 to $89.99

AG Drive is $3.99 on iTunes for iPhone & iPad 

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