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Downgrading to iOS 17.4.1 No Longer Possible



A quick public service announcement for iPhone users struggling with issues on iOS 17.5.1 or iOS 17.5: Downgrading back to iOS 17.4.1 is no longer possible.

Downgrading an iPhone to older iOS software is sometimes an option if an update causes bugs or performance issues. However, the process requires Apple to sign on older software.

Apple recently stopped signing on iOS 17.4.1 which there’s no way to get back to the software. This is a permanent change and the downgrade path won’t re-open.

iPhone users dealing with problems on iOS 17.5.1 can drop back to iOS 17.5, but we expect the company to close the downgrade path back to the software soon.

iOS 17.5 users with issues can upgrade to iOS 17.5.1. Those who don’t want to upgrade will need to search for manual fixes or get in contact with Apple support.

With the downgrade closed, iPhone users having a good experience on iOS 17.4.1 should proceed to iOS 17.5.1 with a sense of caution as there’s no way to get back.

Apple hasn’t confirmed the next version of iOS 17, but we suspect we’ll see iOS 17.6 enter beta testing shortly ahead of a release in July.

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