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Downgrading from iOS 16.7.8 No Longer Possible



This is a public service announcement for all of our readers with an iPhone X, iPhone 8, or iPhone 8 Plus: Once you move your device to iOS 16.7.8, there’s no way to downgrade back to older software.

Downgrading an iPhone to older iOS software is an option if the update causes bugs or performance issues. However, the downgrade process requires Apple to sign on older software.

Apple recently stopped signing on iOS 16.7.7 which means moving an iPhone off of iOS 16.7.8 is no longer possible. Once you move to iOS 16.7.8, you’re stuck until Apple releases new iOS 16 software.

This means iPhone X, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus users running into issues on iOS 16.7.8 must seek out manual fixes for their issues while we wait for Apple to release a new version of iOS 16.

Apple hasn’t confirmed the next version of iOS 16, but we suspect we’ll see new software roll out in July at the very latest.

If you can’t wait that long to fix whatever it is plaguing your iPhone you should take a look at our list of fixes for the most common iOS 16 issues and see if you can find a remedy that works.

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