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macOS Sonoma Users Complain About Microsoft Word Lag



macOS Sonoma users have taken to forums and social media to complain about abnormal lag impacting Microsoft Word.

According to 9to5Mac, the issue has been around for several months, but we’ve seen an uptick in the number of complaints in the days since Apple released macOS Sonoma 14.5.

Users on Reddit say Microsoft Word starts exhibiting incredible amounts of lag within minutes of opening the program. Restarting the Mac temporarily resolves the issue, but it eventually comes back.

Microsoft is aware of the issue and is currently investigating the problem. In the meantime, a Microsoft agent on the company’s community forums has passed along a couple of temporary fixes while users wait for a more permanent solution.

The agent says macOS users dealing with lag in Word should try downloading an earlier version of the Office Suite for Mac. Those can be downloaded via Microsoft’s website.

Users can also try using the web version of Microsoft 365 to see if Word’s performance improves. Not ideal, but the workaround has seemingly worked for some users.

This is just one of several issues impacting macOS Sonoma since the release of macOS Sonoma 14.5 earlier this month.

Other macOS Sonoma 14.5 issues include issues with Messages, crashes, abnormal battery drain, overheating, problems with external devices, and other bugs and performance problems.

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