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Madden 18 Pre-Order: 5 Reasons to Buy & 2 Reasons to Wait



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Wait for Madden 18 Reviews

Wait for Madden 18 Reviews

Every year people worry that the new Madden game is just a roster update. If you are in that camp, or if you have a specific game mode that you love, it's a good idea to wait for the Madden 18 reviews. 

This will allow you to see if your favorite game mode is working perfectly in Madden 18 or if they made a change that will ruin your experience with the game. We should see Madden 18 reviews in mid-August, so you will still have time to get in on most Madden 18 deals even if you wait for the pre-order. EA did not allow gamers to share footage from EA Access, but so far the early impressions are positive. 

With EA Access, you can pay $5 in August and play Madden 18 early, which will allow you to do your own Madden 18 review, or you can tune in to find out what we think of the game. 

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