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4 Reasons to Install the Pixel Android O Update & 4 Reasons You Shouldn’t



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Don't Install O While You Travel

Don't Install O While You Travel

And finally, you'll probably want to skip the Android O beta if you're traveling or about to go on a trip. That's because things could go wrong, stuff isn't working right and it isn't worth the headache. 

Over the years we've spoken to many number of people stranded with a busted device/app/service because they updated to a new version of Android during a business trip or vacation. This is especially true on an early beta version of the software. Just think things through. 

Having a functioning Google Pixel is important when you're traveling in a place you've never visited. It's also important while away on business. It's fun to try the latest release, but again, do it on a spare device when you have the time to jump in head-first. Instead of rushing to install it right away. 

If you're out of your comfort zone, it's a good idea to wait on the beta. Wait until you get back home and can give it full attention. Even with the automatic beta updates, it's still a good idea to wait. 

These are all pretty basic. At the end of the day just make sure you know what you're doing, what you're getting into, and if it's right for you and the situation. Good luck. 

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