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iPad iOS 9.2 Update: 11 Things You Need to Know Now



Fixes for iOS 9.2 Problems

Fixes for iOS 9.2 Problems

If you do run into iOS 9.2 problems, you shouldn't panic. There are tons and tons of fixes out there and we're in possession of a number of them. 

If you do stumble into an iOS 9.2 problem, and you can't fix it, you'll want to take a look at our list of fixes for common iOS 9.2 problems. We provide remedies for battery issues, issues with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and so much more. 

Start there. And if you can't find the fix you're looking for, take a look at our list of other resources for iOS problems.



  1. Frankdwalker

    12/10/2015 at 6:56 am

    0=5 my best friend’s half-sister makes $87 /hr on the laptop . She has been out of a job for eight months but last month her check was $16467 just working on the laptop for a few hours.
    find more info….. See More

  2. Frank Roberts

    01/02/2016 at 7:44 am

    Your recommendation needs to be qualified–it may be fine for the iPad Air 2, but clearly not so much for the Mini 2 given the lags you reported.

    P.S. Please delete the other SPAM post and block the user!

  3. bob

    01/10/2016 at 1:04 am

    thanks for the review, i forgot to update before ios 9 so im waiting for a decent ios 9 version on mini 2. hopefully the next one is better.

  4. Bruno

    01/19/2016 at 1:43 pm

    Hello there, I’m still with the IOS 8.4.1 and don’t know if should update or not! I’m afraid to slow my system. The problem is that I use my iPad mini 2 in a daily base with apps like Penultimate and others. Do you think I shut update?? Thanks for your time.

  5. Sharon

    01/19/2016 at 11:14 pm

    Ever since I updated my iPad I can’t sent emails. Does anybody know what to do?

  6. Gg

    01/25/2016 at 9:40 pm

    Nice that enabling Arabic was 9/11 – on the list — a pox on you

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