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10 Things You Didn’t Know Your Smartwatch Could Do



Bubble Level for Smartwatches

Bubble Level for Smartwatches

While this app won't work as well with round watches like the Moto 360, it still works for all the square watches, and does have a few good uses for the Moto 360.

Just as the title says, Bubble Level for Wear turns any smartwatch into a level. Perfect for hanging a photo on the wapp, checking to see if a table is flat, and much more. It has 360 degree levels, flat levels and more. Simply start apps in Android Wear, find it, an start getting things straight.

Download - Bubble Level for Wear



  1. Treycent (@treycent)

    09/25/2015 at 8:01 am

    Here’s another one: Custom Voice Commands it lets you load your favorite photos by voice:

  2. Pete

    09/25/2015 at 8:37 am

    only 1 android wear watch to date has gps built in. that is surely not “most”

  3. roadpollution

    09/25/2015 at 6:01 pm

    from 2/10: “Turn an old phone into a Dropcam at home”. This would only work if the watch is connected to that “old phone”, and you were at home with it.

  4. Matt

    06/18/2016 at 6:30 am

    Phone finger??? Interesting…. Hadn’t heard of those… Maybe instead of looking into all these so called “best wear apps”, you should be looking into a nice spell check app. Hah

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