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10 Best Allergy and Pollen Apps



iEatOut Gluten-Free & Allergy

iEatOut Gluten-Free & Allergy

We know the entire "gluten-free diet" thing is out of control here in 2018, but it's a serious problem for tons of people. I'm not talking about gluten intolerant, but people that actually have Celiacs Disease. 

If you can't have gluten you'll want to use one of a few different apps for your safety. Even if you just want to avoid gluten, these apps will help you out. The first one we'll recommend is iEatOut Gluten-Free and Allergy. They have an expansive list of food items, menu items and more, and what to avoid. This is especially helpful while you travel. And while they focus on gluten, the app will watch for other allergens if you ask it to. 

You can create a detailed checklist of what to avoid, too, which is nice. 

Download iEatOut for iPhone

Or, try a similar app known as Eat! Gluten-Free for Android

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