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June Star Wars Battlefront Update: What’s New





After the Bespin release, gamers campaigned for some changes to Battlefront's popular Heroes vs. Villains mode. EA DICE has delivered in this update. 

There are four changes to Heroes, two of which are specific to the Heroes vs. Villains. Now, when you fire up this mode, you should notice these fixes:

- User will no longer get an invisible UI if staying in or just joining a lobby when a round ends and new heroes are appointed

- Game mode will no longer hang if a player who was appointed a hero fails to become one due to quitting the game in the hero selection process.

If you own the Outer Rim DLC, you'll also notice that Heroes vs Villains in the playlist will be best out of five rounds again instead of three. A crucial fix. 

The developer's also made a change to Dengar, one of the character's that arrived with the Bespin DLC expansion.

EA DICE notes that this patch makes it so that "Dengar will no longer do insane damage to Luke Skywalker using his Explosive Rush and Hurricane Strike." 

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