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10 Neat Things the OnePlus 5T Can Do



Customize, Change, or Hide On-Screen Buttons

Customize, Change, or Hide On-Screen Buttons

Every aspect of your OnePlus 5T phone is pretty customizable. From the settings menu to the on-screen buttons and more. 

Something that everyone loves to do is customize the On-screen navigation keys. There are a few important reasons for this too. For one, you might want to change or move the back button to the left or right side of the screen. This is because some phones change its location, like Samsung, and you might get used to it being in one place or another. 

You can change the on-screen keys completely. From where they're located, how often yo see them, and you can hide them completely if you'd like. 

Go to Settings > Buttons > and look at all of your options. 

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