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10 Things to Do Before Installing Galaxy S9 Android Pie



Bookmark Fixes for Android Pie Problems

Bookmark Fixes for Android Pie Problems

The Samsung Galaxy S9 Pie update went through a beta but problems have unsurprisingly slipped into the final release. 

Galaxy S9 users are reporting bugs and performance problems and we expect the list to grow as the roll out expands to other regions around the world. 

You can't predict what problems you'll see once you make the move to Android Pie so you'll want to have a list of fixes handy either in your head or bookmarked on your computer.

We've put together a list of fixes for common Samsung Galaxy S9 Android problems. We've also released a list of fixes for Samsung Galaxy S9 battery life issues which will come in handy if you start noticing weird battery drain. 

You should also add Samsung Support on Twitter and bookmark the Samsung's support page and/or Samsung's Discussion forums

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. timmy

    03/13/2019 at 2:40 pm

    How do you avoid installing the update. The phone pesters you until you allow it to update. It should be an option, not a requirement but it won’t allow you to do much of anything til it successfully screws up the phone you finally figured out….what a lot of crap.


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