A relatively new feature we're seeing on a lot of smartphones, which first became popular with the Moto X, is an always-on display. Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 keeps a small area of the AMOLED screen on 24/7 with information for the end user. This was popular with the Galaxy S7, LG G5 and Motorola phones, but probably done the best on Samsung's lineup.
Using an AMOLED display the Galaxy Note 7 can turn on only the pixels it needs to display the date, time, weather, battery life, incoming notifications, missed calls, calendar and more without turning the rest of the screen on. Samsung claims this feature uses less than 5% of battery life throughout an entire 8-hour work day, making it an excellent feature that won't compromise on battery life. The Always-On display feature was one of our favorites on the Galaxy S7 Edge, and it has more options than before with the new Note. Users can select background images, clocks, calendar information, battery stats and more to be displayed 24 hours a day. Our image above is the Note 7 AOD set to show the calendar, which still uses hardly any battery life. The average user turns on their phone over 140 times a day, which can be drastically cut down thanks to the new Always-On display feature on the Note 7. Giving users more options and improving battery life at the same time. The iPhone doesn't offer this.