Of course, no keyboard list would be complete without Swype. The original who pioneered swyping instead of pecking and tapping our screens. Swype is very similar to Swiftkey and is more a personal preference than anything. Both SwiftKey and Swype have plenty to offer, so take your pick.
Swype has a lot of the same features as the others. Everything from beautiful themes and customization, a great prediction engine, and of course gesture typing. You don't even have to lift your finger. Glide your finger through letters and words and it puts in the spaces for you. It's really fun to use and makes people extremely fast and efficient when typing. If you don't use some sort of gesture typing, you're not typing as fast as you could be. That's the bottom line. It takes some getting used to, but you'll be glad you did. It also has great cut/copy/paste controls, and good tools for visually impaired users to still type on a smartphone. Try it out if you haven't lately. It does cost $0.99 though. Get Swype for Android