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Galaxy S8 vs Galaxy S7: What Buyers Need to Know



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Galaxy S8 Release Date & Price

Galaxy S8 Release Date & Price

Last but certainly not least is the all-important release date, and price. Due to securing more inventory and making sure the batteries are safe, the Galaxy S8 has been delayed until April 21st. That's the global release date from all major carriers. 

Rather than being announced in February and released in early March like the S7, we have to wait until nearly the end of April. It's worth it though, if you ask me. 

Read: Galaxy S8 Pre-Order Dates, Times, Shipping and More

As for the price, all the rumors were thankfully wrong. The Galaxy S8 and S8+ are priced better than expected and similar to prior years. Only a tiny more expensive due to the big screens and further improvements. 

The retail price is $749 for the Galaxy S8 and $849 for the Galaxy S8+. Although many carriers are asking less. It's available in Black, Silver and Gray. No other colors are coming to the US. Blue and Gold is for international markets. 

Just as a comparison, the Galaxy S7 can be found for pretty cheap these days. Most carriers and Samsung themselves are still asking around $600, but you can find it for amazingly as low as $399 on eBay. Wow. I'd still take the Galaxy S8 with a payment plan from carriers like Verizon or T-Mobile. 

Choose what's right for you and enjoy. Hopefully you have a better idea of what's available now. 

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