iOS 9.3 Jailbreak Teased Just Hours After Beta Release
Just hours after the release of the first beta of iOS 9.3, an individual developer has teased an iOS 9.3 jailbreak.
We have yet to see a new jailbreak for the latest version of iOS, which is iOS 9.2, but that has been rumored to change very soon. Currently, iOS 9.2.1 is in its late beta stages and should see a final release within the next few weeks.
Luca Todesco, who goes by @qwertyoruiop on Twitter, recently teased an iOS 9.2 jailbreak on his iPhone 6 running iOS 9.2.1, and now the same guy is back showing off an iOS 9.3 jailbreak running the first beta of the new software.
This time around, though, instead of showing us just a screenshot, Todesco has a video showing off the proof that he has a working iOS 9.3 jailbreak.
In the video, Todesco navigates arounds iOS 9.3, showing off the new Night Shift feature, as well as opening up Cydia and displaying that the iPhone is indeed running the iOS 9.3 beta.
Of course, just like with his iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak, it’s unlikely that Todesco will release an iOS 9.3 jailbreak, and jailbreak teams like Pangu or TaiG will be responsible for releasing it, but it at least shows us that a jailbreak is possible for these versions of iOS, and it’s likely that TaiG or Pangu has a working jailbreak as well.
Read: iOS 9.2 Jailbreak Release: When We Might See It
It’s likely that Todesco is using the same exploits that he used in his iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak, considering that he was able to jailbreak iOS 9.3 so quickly.
Of course, an iOS 9.3 jailbreak may not be entirely needed, as many jailbreakers say that the only reason they do jailbreak is to get F.lux, which is a jailbreak app that changes the display’s color temperature to a warmer variety to get rid of the blue hue during the night time.
iOS 9.3 now includes this feature natively, called Night Shift, and Todesco’s video shows off the settings for it.
F.lux is perhaps one of the most popular jailbreak features of all time, and the fact that Apple now has this feature built into iOS is a big deal.
Apple has been known to take jailbreak features and implement them natively in iOS, which has been great, but F.lux has always missed the list for some reason. However, it’s good to finally see it officially in iOS.
F.lux isn’t just available on iOS. It’s also available on Mac and Windows machines, so even if you don’t have a jailbroken iPhone, you can still use F.lux on your computer and get a feel for what Night Shift will offer in iOS 9.3.

jay freeman
01/15/2016 at 10:30 am
help us