Pixel & Nexus November Android Oreo Update: What to Know
The latest November Android 8.0 Oreo update is now available for Google Pixel, Pixel 2 and Nexus devices. Bringing your device up to date with Google’s latest security patches, bug fixes, and new features. Here’s which devices are getting an update and what you need to know.
Just as expected, Google is pushing its latest monthly security update out to a slew of devices. This is the first update since the Android 8.1 Oreo beta, but it’s still Android 8.0 Oreo.
Read: Everything That’s New in Android Oreo
Today’s November Android Oreo update is rolling out to the Google Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus Player, and the Pixel C Tablet. This is an important update that could affect your device and its performance.
The November Android 8.0 Oreo update is an important update for most devices. However, the device that it will make the biggest impact on is the new Pixel 2 XL. Google has yet to release the November update for the Pixel 2 XL, although it’s likely coming soon.
We’re expecting the November release to fix a slew of bugs and problems plaguing the new Pixel 2 XL. From slow charging, battery life issues and sounds coming from the speaker, along with improving the display. For now, though, these are the changes for all of Google’s other Nexus and Pixel devices.
Nexus & Pixel November Android Oreo Update Details
Starting today, Monday, November 6th, multiple devices should see this update. It’s a free software update for all eligible devices and comes right from Google or those with a Pixel on Verizon. This is a small, fast and painless update that should only take a few minutes to complete. We’ve seen these take 24-48 hours to arrive in some cases, so keep that in mind.
Typically these updates have between 20-30 changes mostly in the form of security patches, but occasionally other bugs or glitches are also fixed. We’ve seen new features slip into these updates too, like for the aging Nexus 5.
November Oreo Update Bluetooth Fixes
A big part of this update focuses on Bluetooth. More importantly, Bluetooth connections with cars, connectivity as a whole, and stability. We’re hearing this patch should fix all Nexus and Pixel Bluetooth problems we’ve heard about for the past few months.
Looking through the changelog we see a few important entries for Bluetooth. Here’s a list of the changes in the November Oreo update for Nexus and Pixel users.
Multiple reports suggest this will fix the original Pixel and Pixel XL Bluetooth problems for good. Yes, this is a re-occurring issue for a lot of people, so we’ll report back after we test it for a few days.
November Android Oreo Update Changes & Patches
In total, we’re seeing over 30 different patches for the Android operating system in November. Some of these include critical bugs or security problems to the media framework, framework, Android system, kernel, drivers and more.
The most notable patch is for the KRACK vulnerability that was in the news over the last 30 days. For a full list of all the changes head to the Android security bulletin.
When Will It Arrive?
For most users, this is an important update. Not only because it patches important security holes, but for the Bluetooth fixes. And while we’re not seeing anything about the Pixel 2 XL update yet, everyone else should receive this update within the next 24-48 hours.
Read: 15 Common Pixel 2 XL Problems & How to Fix Them
You can also manually download and install the latest factory images with the June Android Nougat update, or install just the OTA software update files right here. Typically monthly Android updates arrive within 48 hours, but some could be waiting 5-7 days before it arrives.
To get started head into Settings > About Phone > and check for updates manually if you’d like, or just wait for the over the air notification to pop-up. Rebooting your phone or tablet will often trigger the software update.
Most should have the November release by the 8th or 9th at the latest. Again, check the list at the top of the page to see if you have a supported device. We’re already seeing the update for every device on the list. Well, except for the Pixel 2 XL, of course. Stay tuned for more details, and we’ll update this post as soon as we hear from Google for that release.
Other Details
All said and done, expect an update on your Nexus or Pixel device today or within the next few days. You won’t notice anything new, but the phone will be more secure and better prepared for the future. Then, in December the official Android 8.1 Oreo update will arrive. Again, this update is only for Nexus and Pixel phones and tablets. Which means those with a Samsung, HTC, Motorola or other devices will have to wait for updates from that specific manufacturer.
No matter what version of Android Oreo you are on if you’re having problems we have a few tips. Those experiencing issues should check out this post for more help. Stay tuned for more details and drop a comment below with any questions or concerns about the Nexus and Pixel November Oreo update.