Fallout 4 Loot Crate Unboxing
If you’ve been wondering what might be inside the limited edition Fallout 4 Loot Crate, wonder no more. The Fallout 4 Loot Crate shipments have started to arrive a few days ahead of the game’s release date and today we want to show you exactly what’s inside the box.
Earlier this year, Bethesda and Loot Crate teamed up to create a limited edition Fallout 4 Loot Crate. The crate went on sale in September ahead of the Fallout 4 release date and it quickly caused problems due to overwhelming demand.
Loot Crate’s servers were slammed with requests and many people saw their credit cards get charged for three, four, five Loot Crates. Fortunately, Loot Crate has excellent customer service and it handled all of the problems within a few days.
If you were fortunate enough to order a Fallout 4 Loot Crate during the rush, your order should be en route. Tracking information was sent out in late October and orders have started showing up on doorsteps today.
We’re in possession of Loot Crate’s Fallout 4 and we want to take a look at the crate’s contents. Loot Crate isn’t selling this any more but it’s available through sites like eBay.
Vault 111 Messenger Bag
Loot Crate’s Fallout 4 crate comes with an exclusive Vault 111 messenger bag that has enough space to store, say, a laptop so that you can play Fallout 4 for PC on-the-go. It doesn’t have enough room to carry an Xbox One/PS4 and a TV though.
It features one main pocket, a shoulder strap, and an outer pocket that can be zipped up. Some of you might use it for your work, others might use it to store video games and other Fallout-related items.
Fallout 4 Collector Pin Set
The Crate features an exclusive Fallout 4 collector pin set that comes with four pins that you can put on a cork board, a bag, or your clothing. (Or something else, you’re not limited.)
The pins include a Brotherhood of Steel logo, Red Rocket logo, a photo of the Vault Boy, and the logo for Vault 111.
Brotherhood of Steel Flag
Tucked away inside the Fallout 4 Loot Crate is a limited edition Brotherhood of Steel flag that will be perfect for finding people at concerts, barbecues or a flag holder on a balcony. (I didn’t have time to set it up yet so you’ll have to deal with it sitting on the floor.)
If you’re not familiar with the Brotherhood of Steel, it’s one of the prominent factions in the Fallout series and it will play a role in Fallout 4’s plot.
Fallout 4 Collector Poster Set
The Loot Crate comes with an exclusive poster set that includes two distinct posters.
One is an ad for Nuka Cola. If you’re not familiar with Nuka Cola, you can read all about it right here. It actually has an interesting history.
The other poster shows off Fallout’s Power Armor.
Vault 111 Hoodie
This is not an exclusive item but it’s a nice addition nonetheless.
The Fallout 4 Loot Crate comes with a sweatshirt (hopefully you picked the right size) that features Vault 111’s logo on the back.
The clothing stays within Fallout’s color scheme and it’ll come in handy on late nights when it’s cold and you’re trying to beat one more mission before going to bed.
Dogmeat Plush Toy
Another exclusive.
The crate comes with a nice Dogmeat plush toy that’s perfect for your collection, children, or god forbid, your own dog.
Fallout 4 Coaster Set
And finally, it comes with an exclusive coaster set.
It comes with four coasters that are made of rubber (or rubber-like material). These are going to be perfect for your Nuka Cola or your Fallout Beer.

Achilles Martin
11/06/2015 at 10:46 am
None of that looks worth the hefty price tag, maybe if it had been $50, but not $120. Way to go lootcrate, disappointing, yet again.
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11/08/2015 at 8:02 am
My opinion is, with everything that came in this crate and especially the quality of each item, it was well worth the money! It paid for itself in just the hoodie and messenger bag (each around $60 on the Bethesda store). The flag is huge, the pins are all sturdy metal, the hoodie is embroidered, the bad is very sturdy, the posters are well made, and the coasters are an awesome material and the designs are etched in. It was so very worth the price if you’re actually a fan of Fallout.
Matthew Shaile
11/08/2015 at 10:27 am
I bought this for my wife and it arrived a few days ago.
It was worth the money, yes, but to be honest I was a little disappointed. It was difficult to get (like the article says, the servers did indeed explode on release day) so I was hoping for some more unique and interesting items, like some bottle caps or at least a bobble head!
Sticking a yellow 111 on a blue bag just feels a bit lazy. The coasters and badges are the best things.