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How to Use Split-Screen Multi Window on Galaxy S8



Being able to run two apps at the same time is nothing new for Samsung smartphone users. However, the Galaxy S8 takes full advantage of multi window mode with its big 5.8 or 6.2-inch screen. In this guide we’ll show you how to use multi window mode on the Galaxy S8 to the fullest.

There are several reasons for running two apps simultaneously. Whether that’s to watch YouTube while you check emails, or simply being more productive, we all have our reasons.

And while split-screen mode or multi-tasking is nothing new to smartphones, Samsung’s multi window mode is the best implementation. As a result, we’ll show you more than just enabling multi window mode. We’ll show you how to turn it on, adjust windows, invert apps, use picture-in-picture and much more on the Galaxy S8 or Galaxy S8+. Follow the instructions in our video below and try it today.

Our hands-on video above tells you absolutely everything you need to know about multitasking on the Galaxy S8 and running two apps at the same time. Additionally, we’ll break down some of the most common questions into individual guides below.

How to Enable Multi Window Mode on Galaxy S8

The easiest and fastest way to launch two apps at once and use multi window mode is to press and hold the Recent apps key below the screen. Do this while you’re in an app, or from the homescreen. Before we do this, you need to enable this feature in settings.

  1. Pull down the notification bar and hit the gear-shaped settings button
  2. Scroll down and select Advanced Features
  3. Next, choose Tap on Multi Window

Now, just toggle ON the “Use Recents button” to enable and quickly access multi window mode. You can choose from two different views, too, but the default option is the best.

How to Launch Multi Window Mode on Galaxy S8

As you saw in our video above, launching multi window mode is pretty simple. Simply tap the “Recents” button to the left or right of the on-screen home key to see a list of running apps. Instead of selecting the app, you tap the icon that looks like two boxes or rectangles on top of each other. This is the multi window mode button. Highlighted in red below.

Next, select the second app by scrolling through the list of running apps or using the More apps button. You’ll see more apps on the screen, which gives you a list of icons showing any app that supports multi window mode.

To exit this mode at any time, press and hold down the Recents key. Or, just hit home and clear the multi window session from the notification bar. Remember, you can always HOLD the bar in the middle of the two apps and drag it up or down to resize multi window mode apps.

How to Switch (Invert) App Windows to the Top or Bottom on Galaxy S8

A common problem is apps aren’t in order or you want something else on the top. Just remember, the first app you select always goes to the top of your screen, while the second one opens on the bottom.

However, you can quickly invert them and put YouTube back to the bottom and your email at the top. Or switch them to top and bottom as you see fit. Here’s how:

  1. Press the Window Control Button (white line in the middle of the two running apps)
  2. Just tap the line once to see the control window pop-up
  3. Select the Invert apps button (circling icon)

How to Close an App in Multi Window on Galaxy S8

Last but not least, is how to close apps running in multi-window mode. We go over this a little in our video above, as you can do it a few different ways.

For one, you can simply hit the home bottom and completely go back to your main screen. This just minimized the window though. When you do this, pull down the notification bar and tap the big X to close your multi window session completely.

Additionally, you can tap the Window Control Button and select the X while you’re using two apps at the same time. This will close the window that’s highlighted by the blue border, or the last window you interacted with on the screen.

Final Thoughts

That’s all there is to it. Now you have a better understanding of how to use and enjoy multi window mode on the Galaxy S8. Start doing more with your phone, and multi-task like a pro. If you have any questions let us know in the comment section below.

11 Samsung Galaxy S8 Oreo Release Date Tips

Start Preparing Right Now

Start Preparing Right Now

Your Galaxy S8 Android Oreo update could be just a few days away so use this time to prepare yourself and your device for its arrival. This way, you won't be scrambling when the OTA (Over-the-Air) update pops up for your phone. 

Use this time to dig into your device's storage and delete files (apps, videos, etc) you no longer need. Cleaning up your Galaxy S8's storage could improve your device's overall performance and it'll clear out space for Android Oreo. 

Now would be a good time to start backing up all of your Galaxy S8's data on a regular basis if you aren't doing so already. 

You'll also want to track down all of your login information before Android Oreo update lands for your Galaxy S8. 

Have your Samsung login and the login info for your important apps and services ready to go because Oreo could, and probably will, log you out of some of them.

It's also important to keep your device charged up throughout the day. This way, you'll be able to install the Android Oreo update soon after it arrives (if that's what you choose to do). 

Most Galaxy Android software updates require you to have 20 percent of battery charge to complete the installation process.

We recommend keeping a 50% battery charge for Android Oreo because we expect it to be a significant download. You should also keep a charger handy.  

This might seem tedious, but doing some early prep work will save you a lot of time down the road. 

We've put together a pre-installation guide that will help you prepare yourself and your device for Android Oreo and it's worth a look if you're new to Android or just want some additional advice.

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