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6 Reasons Not to Buy Star Wars Battlefront 2 & 3 Reasons You Should



Wait for Long-Term Reviews

Wait for Long-Term Reviews

So those are the reasons to consider putting in a Star Wars Battlefront 2 pre-order right now. Here are some reasons to think about waiting.

If you weren't thrilled with the Star Wars Battlefront 2 beta or you simply want to see what your favorite critics think, wait for Star Wars Battlefront 2 reviews. 

If $60 is a big part of your gaming budget it might be a good idea to wait for reviews so you can get a better feel for the best, and worst, parts of the game. 

The feedback from the Star Wars Battlefront 2 beta was pretty good, but that was a beta. It was buggy and it was a small part of the game. 

The last Battlefront game left a lot to be desired so it might be a good idea to sit back and see how the new version feels and how its servers handle Xbox One, PS4 and PC users. 

We're already starting to see initial reviews trickle out, but some of these reviews are provisional. And in a game like Battlefront 2 where there are a ton of moving parts, it might be a good idea to sit back and wait for the smoke to settle before committing to the game. 

If you only plan to buy one or two games this fall, it's probably a good idea to sit back and wait for official and long-term scores to arrive. 



  1. Rob

    07/09/2017 at 11:53 pm

    Did they get rid of all the cheating going on in the first game? If not, what’s the point of getting this one? Players able to kill in one shot with crap weapons from across the battlefield, jet packs that are always charged, shooting someone in the FACE repeatedly and they don’t die, turn and shoot you once and you’re dead. It goes on and on and on and yeah you can report people but they never seem to be banned and an entire game of cheaters is back the next day. Do you have control of your damned game this time or not??

  2. Claire

    07/12/2017 at 7:24 am

    Preordering is why EA keeps beating up your favourite titles. If you’d stop that stupidity they’d actually pay more attention to what they’re doing.

    You’ve already let them know that all they need to do for your money is release a fantastically early announcement coupled with a snazzy teaser trailer and everyone will make them richer.

    Invite them to work for their money for a change.

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