Before you install a new Android 8.1 build on your Nexus or Pixel we recommend checking the Play Store for app updates.
If you don't have automatic updates turned on, and you've fallen behind, you should dig into the latest updates. The latest updates for your apps and services could bring support for Android Oreo and valuable bug fixes for potential issues with the new operating system. Before you install an update, make sure you read app reviews from Android 8.1 users. They might alert you to benefits or, more importantly, potential problems.
We should see a steady stream of app updates as we push into the year so make sure you keep an eye out. |
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Joana farias
04/09/2018 at 3:29 am
Very good the subject helped me thank you very much.
11/27/2018 at 4:11 am
Excellent resource!! Thank you!