FIFA 19 Pre-Order Guide: 3 Reasons to Buy & 3 Reasons to Wait
Is it worth pre-ordering FIFA 19 or should you wait for the release date to arrive before you buy. We’ll help you decide if you should put your cash down on FIFA 19 or hold out to see what else EA is going to announce before you spend your cash.
The FIFA 19 pre-orders are up at GameStop, Best Buy, Amazon and digitally, with prices starting at $59.99. There are several FIFA 19 editions that allow you to unlock loads of extras and allows you to play early if you spend enough up front. You can use FIFA 19 deals to save on your purchase.
The FIFA 19 release date is September 28th for the base game, but if you buy the FIFA 19 Ultimate Edition you get to play starting on September 25th. Unfortunately one of the biggest FIFA 19 problems is users not being able to play the Champions Edition early.
In most cases you can cancel a pre-order if you change your mind, but this can be a hassle and it isn’t always possible if you buy digitally.
Here’s a rundown of why you should pre-order FIFA 19, and why you shouldn’t put your money down yet.
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