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iOS 11.3: 8 Reasons to Get Excited & 3 Reasons Not To



App Store Changes

App Store Changes

There are several exciting changes coming to the App Store with Apple's iOS 11.3 update. The first one is for iPhone X users.

Once you download iOS 11.3 you'll notice a change to your iPhone X's Face ID checkout on the App Store and Apple Pay.

If you're running iOS 11.3 and you go to download a new app or checkout, you'll see a “Confirm with Side Button” instruction with a graphic. This is an attempt to clarify a process that many users, us included, feel isn't initiative. It's a small change, but it's a good one. 

The iOS 11.3 update brings a welcomed change to App Store's "Updates" tab. If you're running iOS 11.3, you'll now notice a version number and installation size listed right next to the app's name. You'll notice information for updates you've already installed and updates you haven't installed.

Apple's also implemented a new way to sort reviews on the App Store making it easier to find relevant feedback about an app.

On iOS 11.3, you can tap "See All" under the "Ratings & Reviews" section in the App Store and sort reviews via four categories: Most Helpful, Most Favorable, Most Critical, and Most Recent.

  • Most Helpful: These reviews have received "Helpful" feedback from other users. iOS 11 users can choose between "Helpful" or "Not Helpful" by hard pressing the text bubble via 3D Touch.
  • Most Favorable: These are the reviews with the highest ratings.
  • Most Critical: These are the reviews with the lowest ratings.
  • Most Recent: This shows the reviews in reverse chronological order.

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