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9 Things to Do Before Installing iOS 14.8.1



Gather Feedback About iOS 14.8.1's Performance

Gather Feedback About iOS 14.8.1's Performance

If you're feeling a bit leery about the move to iOS 14.8.1, you should dig through feedback from those who have adopted the software. 

Again, there's a chance you encounter bugs and/or performance issues on your device after moving to iOS 14.8.1.

Software updates often hits older iPhone models the hardest so if you own an iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, or iPhone SE, and you're concerned about the jump up to iOS 14.8.1, you'll want to hunt for feedback from those who have taken the plunge. 

This feedback will alert you to potential bugs and problems. You also might learn about potential benefits of Apple's latest software.

You'll want to poke around on Apple's discussion forums, YouTube, and social media sites like Twitter for feedback from iOS 14 users.

You can check out our general guide to the iOS 14.8.1 update. We'll also publish mini iOS 14.8.1 reviews for the iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 7, iPhone 6s, and iPhone SE, so check those out if you need more info about the software's performance. 

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. David VALENTINE

    01/24/2021 at 12:02 pm

    Just got an Iphone for my wife because all her friends had them! Last time I bought an Apple(II) was around 1984. Soon realised the IOS was crud and got an Amstrad PC which was fantastic (at the time).
    Now stuck with another bad apple in the house, an IOS 14.3 Iphone whose ‘logic’ is driving me potty. I like instantly accessible PDF’s to refer to but can as hell can I find a downloadable guide in that format!
    Also a huge feeling of paranoia emanates from Apple which constantly puts you through ‘security’ checks that you no longer have the bloody answers for.

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