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15 Cool Things the Galaxy Note 9 Can Do



App Pairing for Multi-tasking

App Pairing for Multi-tasking

For years Samsung phones have offered a feature called Multi-window or multi-tasking. And while that allows you to run two apps at the same time, App Pairing kicks that up a notch.

Sometimes opening both apps and getting them ready is a hassle. To fix this problem Samsung added App Pair. This cool little tool allows you to pair up two apps you want to use at the same time, and save it. Then, simply launch the multi-window option and select the pair at the same time. Instantly browse the web while you read Gmail, or play Netflix while you're looking up a recipe for dinner. This lets you run two apps at the same time easier than ever before. Each time you tap once and it launches both apps.

It's basically a shortcut that launches both apps, puts them on the top or bottom of the screen the way you want, and lets you get back to using your phone, not tapping icons. 



  1. Interior Purwokerto

    11/02/2018 at 3:04 am


  2. Dealer Suzuki Tegal

    01/07/2019 at 7:11 pm


  3. Javed

    03/24/2019 at 10:06 pm

    It’s the beast one can have, S Pen got very much improved.

  4. Ravi sing

    09/03/2019 at 9:48 am

    Great article. Thanks for sharing it.

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