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15 Cool Things Your Google Home Can Do



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A Few Other Quick Tips

There are tons of things we can do with Google Home. So many in fact, that it was hard to single this list down to only 15. 

Try saying "Hey, Google" instead of Ok, Google, which doesn't sound so impersonal. That works too. 

Ask Google when the nearest grocery store is closing, or call the nearest Best Buy, and it knows where you live and will do all of this for you.

Order an Uber

Get a WiFi outlet and control things with your voice. I used my Google Home to turn my Christmas lights and X-mas tree off and on during the holidays. 

Interact with your Google Home by touch, rather than voice. Each Home device has a few different touch-controls you can use if needed. 

Say "Hey Google, tell me about my day" to get a full breakdown of your day each morning. You'll hear about the weather, news, your commute, traffic, reminders, it'll check your calendar, and tell you any flight or traffic status updates all in a matter of seconds. It's crazy helpful. 

"Ok Google, Set an Alarm in 25 minutes"

Last but not least, Google has a brand new website that will show you absolutely everything the Google Home and Assistant can do. See it all right here

Plus, we're expecting tons of extra features, commands, and cool tricks throughout 2019. 

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