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How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Problems



If you’re running into Harry Potter: Wizards Unite problems, we have the solutions. This guide will help you fix the most common Harry Potter: Wizards Unite errors, bugs and problems.

While there was a beta to iron out some of the issues, there are still some Harry Potter: Wizards Unite problems that are annoying users now that the game is officially out in the U.S. and the UK.

Read: Essential Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Accessories

Here are the most common Harry Potter: Wizards Unite problems that users are running into. If you experience one of these, you can click the link below to go directly to that fix.

  1. How to Quickly Fix Almost Any Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Problem
  2. How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Black Screen Problems
  3. How to fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Android Problems
  4. How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite iPhone Problems
  5. How to Fix Blank Map in Wizards Unite
  6. How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Login Issues
  7. How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Code Name Reservation Problems
  8. How to Use Less Data with Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
  9. How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Battery Life Issues
  10. How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Camera Problems
  11. How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Network Errors
  12. How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Freezing
  13. How to Fix GPS Permissions Required Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Error
  14. How to Get a Location Removed From the Game
  15. How to Fix Blank Daily Treasure Calendar
  16. How to Fix Portkey Portmanteau Not Unlocking

While you may need to wait for the next Harry Potter: Wizards Unite update to fix some errors and issues, most of the problems can be solved with a a few simple steps.

Read: Will My Phone Work with Harry Potter: Wizards Unite?

How to Quickly Fix Most Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Problems

Quickly fix many Harry Potter: Wizards Unite problems.

Quickly fix many Harry Potter: Wizards Unite problems.

If you are seeing any kind of weird issues or things aren’t working right, the best thing to do is force close the app and then re-open it.

On iPhone either swipe up from the bottom on newer models or double press the home button. Then swipe up on the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite app.

On Android, press the multitasking button and swipe the app to the right or left to close it.

Wait for a second and then re-open the app.

If the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite crashes are frequent, you may want to uninstall the app and then re-install from the app store. This can fix many of the crashes and black screen issues.

How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Black Screen Problems

If you are seeing a black screen or blank screen in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite there are two potential reasons.

The main reason this is happening is that the game is trying to download or load other parts of the game. Even with a fast connection and an iPhone XS Max we saw a black screen for about 10-15 seconds multiple times while getting started with the game.

You can wait or check your Internet connection speed if it happens often. Niantic says that the game can take up to 10 minutes to load in some instances.

Another thing you can try is turning on high accuracy mode on Android. This is usually in the location settings but varies from device to device.

Turn off Battery Saver mode. If you have any power saving mode turned on while playing Harry Potter: Wizards Unite it may cause a black screen as well as other issues. Turn off any power saving or Low battery modes.

A final option is to uninstall Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and re-install it to see if that fixes the problems.

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How to fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Android Problems

The first thing to check if you are running into Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Android problems is if your app is up to date.

Go to the Google Play Store app, tap on the menu button and then on My apps & games. Scroll until you see Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and then tap on Update if it is available.

Check Your Internet connection. Are you on a reliable Internet connection? You can check with an app like Speedtest or Fast to see if you have a good connection. If you are near places you normally get on WiFi, but not inside, you may need to turn off WiFi.

Clear Harry Potter: Wizards Unite app data and cache to solve some Android problems. To do this on most Android devices follow these directions.

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Tap on Storage.
  3. Tap on Apps.
  4. Choose Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
  5. Tap on Clear Data and on Clear Cache.

This can help solve many annoying issues without reinstalling.

If you continue to have problems, you may need to turn make sure that background data is not disabled. If it is off the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite app will not work correctly.

Finally, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the app.

How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite iPhone Problems

Here are the steps you need to take to fix many of the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite iPhone problems.

The first thing you should do is check for updates. Go to the App Store and then tap on Updates. If you see an update for the app, install it.

Check your Internet connection to make sure you can access other websites and run a speedtest to see if you have a good connection. You can try switching between LTE and WiFi or toggling Airplane mode on and off.

If you have other issues, you should uninstall Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and then reinstall it.

How to Fix Nothing on the Map in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

Toggle Location Services off and back on to fix many issues.

Toggle Location Services off and back on to fix many issues.

A very common issue is opening the map and not seeing any of the in-game points of interest like Inns, Fortresses, and Greenhouses. There is a quick fix for this problem. In most cases, this is because the app can’t find your location.

  1. Force close Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
  2. Open Settings.
  3. Tap on Privacy
  4. Tap on Location Services
  5. Toggle Location Services off and then back on.

This can help you get back to playing Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.

How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Login Issues

If you cannot login to Harry Potter: Wizards Unite there are a few things you can try.

When you sign in to Harry Potter: Wizards Unite you choose to use Google or Facebook. You will need to figure out which email address you used or which Facebook account you used.

If you don’t have your Google or Facebook password, you can contact Google or Facebook for help.

If you are not able to login on the iPhone, you can clear you Safari data. To do this;

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Tap on Safari
  3. Tap on Advanced
  4. Tap on Website Data
  5. Tap on Clear History and Data.

This can help with the login issues since Harry Potter: Wizards Unite uses Safari to login on iPhone.

How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Code Name Reservation Problems

If you already reserved a Harry Potter: Wizards Unite code name, you should see it when you log in.

For users that don’t see their reserved code name, try logging in with a different account. It will only work with the account you used to reserve the code name.

How to Use Less Data with Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

You will likely use a lot of data while playing Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. You can use less data with some actions in the settings. Here are three tips to use less data while you play.

  • Disable the Settings option to “Download Over Network”. When you disable Download Over Network, your device won’t download supplemental game data while you are connected to your mobile network. This setting helps reduce load times by predicting what you’re going to do next and downloads the necessary assets. Note: When this setting is disabled, the game won’t fetch data in the background when on your mobile network – so you may wait more often for assets to download before you can enter an encounter or complete other game interactions.
  • Enable the Settings option to “Download All Assets”. When you enable Download All Assets, you are choosing to download all available game assets to your device at once rather than gradually over time. Connecting and downloading game data from a wifi network will help reduce the amount of mobile data you will consume.
  • Enable the Settings option “Notify About New Assets” to turn on notification badges when new game assets become available for download. When you enable notifications, a red dot will appear over the “Download All Assets” option and notifies when an update is available for download.

Note that this will download over WiFi, so if you have a limited WiFi plan at home you may run into issues there.

How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Battery Life Issues

Using GPS and the camera while you play Harry Potter: Wizards Unite can cause bad battery life.

You don’t want to use any system level power saver or low battery modes since they could cause issues with the app.

Instead open settings in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and then tap on Advanced and on Battery Saver to turn it on.

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How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Camera Problems

Fix camera problems in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.

Fix camera problems in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.

You’ll need to use your camera with Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. If you didn’t grant access when you started playing, you can turn this on again easily in settings.

In the app tap on settings and then on Camera and on Grant Camera Permission. This will pop up another request to use the camera in Wizards Unite.

How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Network Errors

If you see a Network Error message in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, you may have a bad connection or you simply need to restart the app.

Check to see if you can visit a webpage. If that works run a speedtest and see if you have a good connection.

If there is no real network problem force close the app and then try playing again.

How to Fix Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Freezing

Sometimes the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite app freezes. This is happening to some users when tapping on an Ingredient on the map. If this happens try waiting up to 5 seconds for it to resolve. If not, you may need to restart the app.

How to Fix GPS Permissions Required Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Error

Turn on higher location accuracy.

Turn on higher location accuracy.

If you run into GPS problems while playing Wizards Unite, you should check to see if you are using High Accuracy mode on Android. This is also known as GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile networks.

Go to Settings > Security & Location > Locating method -> GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile networks.

This should fix most Harry Potter: Wizards Unite GPS errors.

How to Get a Location Removed From Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

If you need your location removed from the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite game, you can contact the company for help. Anyone can request a modification of in game locations, but if you need a private property that is non-residential you ca speed up the process with an official email address, business card of a senior executive and official letterhead. Submit a request using this form.

How to Fix Blank Daily Treasure Calendar

If your Daily Treasure calendar is blank after quickly tapping through the assignments tutorial you aren’t alone. Restart the app to get into your treasure calendar back.

How to Fix Portkey Portmanteau Not Unlocking 

Fix Portkey Portmanteau problems by walking a little more.

Fix Portkey Portmanteau problems by walking a little more.

When you look at the walking distance of the Portkey Portmanteau in the app it may look like it is completely done, but it is actually rounding up.

You may need to walk a little more to unlock this. The app will unlock as soon as you actually hit the distance.

11 Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Facts and Features You Need to Know

Wizard Customization

Wizard Customization

When you start playing Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, you will need to join the Ministry and that means you need a Ministry ID. 

You can take a selfie in the game and apply filters and Snapchat Style face filters to add hats, glasses and other items as you play. 

Read: Essential Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Accessories

This is all inside the game and the profile you create is added to your Ministry ID. 

You should be able to change this pretty regularly since you will unlock new filters as you progress. 

Of course you could just buy a bunch of Harry Potter gear and look like the most Wizardly Wizard without a filter. 

Last update on 2024-06-11. This post may contain affiliate links. Click here to read our disclosure policy for more details. Images via Amazon API

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Gabriel whitney

    06/25/2019 at 3:29 pm

    How do I fix the freeze on the first SOS encounter?

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