How to Install iMessage Apps on iPhone
Learn how to install and use iMessage apps in iOS 10 and in iOS 11. The free update adds support for iMessage apps that range from stickers and shareable photos or videos to games you can play right inside the Message app for the iPhone.
Apple offers an iMessage app App Store that allows you to search for iMessage apps on iOS 10, but it’s not in the main App Store that you are used to. To further complicate things, the iMessage apps don’t automatically install when you install the main app on your iPhone.
You need iOS 10 installed on your iPhone to use iMessage apps, but you can send the stickers and some of the other apps to people who are on iOS 9 or older.
How to Install iMessage Apps
This is how to install iMessage Apps on your iPhone to start sending stickers, playing iMessage games and super-charging your messages.

How to Install iMessage apps on iOS 10.
With iOS 10 installed you need to open up the Messages app and open a message. It can be a new message or an existing one, it doesn’t matter.
In that message, tap on the small arrow on the left side of the screen and then on the App Store logo. Tap on the four squares in the bottom left corner.
Now Tap on the + icon with Store below it to enter the iMessage App Store.

Install iMessage apps from inside Messages in iOS 10.
From here you can search the iMessage App Store or you can tap on the featured apps. To get started try searching for Truth Truth Lie or Mario Run.
Once you find the iMessage app you want, tap to install it and enter a password or use Touch ID to install the app.
How to Use iMessage Apps
Once you have the iMessage apps installed, you can start using them to send stickers and play games. You may need to allow access to your camera and microphone for some of these apps to work.

How to use iMessage apps in iOS 10.
Open a message and then tap on the arrow and on the App Store icon. Now swipe left to see the recently used stickers or swipe right to swipe through your iMessage apps.
On some of these apps you can tap the up arrow in the bottom right to show the app full screen. You can tap to play a game or tap in a search box to search for the photo or video you want to send.

Max Peter
10/12/2016 at 10:45 pm
The features of this app makes it an awesome app.
imessage for windows
04/15/2019 at 2:36 am
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