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4 Reasons Not to Install Galaxy S7 Oreo & 10 Reasons You Should



Don't Install If You're Nervous About Oreo Problems

Don't Install If You're Nervous About Oreo Problems

If you're having an excellent experience on Android Nougat and none of Oreo's features excite you, you might want to sit back for a few days and wait for long term Oreo feedback to emerge. 

Samsung Galaxy S7 Oreo users are running into bugs and performance problems including issues with the popular Pokemon Go app.

This is normal for a major Android upgrade and we expect complaints to pickup as more Galaxy S7 users install the software. 

If you're feeling leery, and we don't blame you if you are, wait for more feedback from Galaxy S7 users. Samsung's had to halt software updates due to issues in the past and there's always a chance there's a major problem lurking on board these updates. 

If you discover a ton of negative feedback about your specific version of Android Oreo, it might be a good idea to hold out and wait for Samsung or your carrier to roll out the first Oreo bug fix update. Those typically arrive a few weeks after the roll out finishes up. 

You should also wait until you're ready to tackle Android Oreo issues on your Galaxy S7. We've put together a list of fixes for common Galaxy S7 issues that could help. 



  1. Tastentier

    09/04/2018 at 4:51 pm

    The only problem I’ve had after the update was a wifi authentication failure after it worked fine for several days. Rebooting my router and my S7 did nothing, and neither did “forgetting” the connection and re-entering my password. What finally did the trick was changing the wifi channel in my router. It was set to auto-select and I randomly picked channel 11 instead. Since then, I haven’t had the issue anymore.

    • sajid

      10/20/2018 at 9:05 pm

      gt 988745
      sajid khan 112158125532

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