Nintendo finally revealed all there was to reveal about the Nintendo Switch this week. It’d been a long, long journey. After months of teasing, and years...
Super Mario Run, this season’s must-have mobile game from Nintendo, marks a lot of firsts. It’s the first time that we’ve seen anything come out of...
Nintendo’s first game for Apple’s iPhone and iPad finally appeared this week. Since it’s arrival, Super Mario Run has turned the mobile video game market on...
Last updated December 16th Not since the arrival of Pokémon GO have we seen the kind of fervor Super Mario Run is seeing. First teased at...
Revealed earlier this year, Super Mario Run is the latest in what’s turning into a string of high-profile launches on iPhone for Nintendo. Billed as an...
When video game console maker and developer Nintendo said that it was going to move into mobile gaming in a big way, the company wasn’t kidding....
Eager to impress smartphone shoppers ahead of the holiday season, electronics maker Apple shocked audience members and fans watching its iPhone 7 Event. Ironically, it wasn’t the...
Nintendo’s Pokémon Sun and Moon video games debuted to tons of fan fair. Coming months after the successful launch of Pokémon GO, the games for the...
Today, Nintendo’s 20 Years of Pokémon Celebration comes to its conclusion. After months of giving away legendary Pokémon at retail stores and a summer dominated by...
Since the very first Pokémon video games made for the Gameboy Color, starter Pokémon have been important. These creatures became series stars in the own right,...
The year started out with a bang for the Pokémon franchise and soon it’ll end with one. Set to début in just a week’s time, Pokémon Sun and...
Video game publisher and console maker Nintendo has been on something of a Pokémon winning streak lately. The franchise, which is celebrating its 20th Anniversary, recently scored...
Destined to sell millions of copies Pokémon Sun and Moon are this year’s biggest releases – handheld console or otherwise. Coming to cap off an entire...
When Nintendo wraps up its 20th Anniversary for the Pokémon franchise later this year, it’ll do so with a bang. Forget Pokémon GO, though interesting and...
With the weather getting colder, it’s finally time to put away this year’s must-have mobile phone game, Pokémon GO. Don’t fret though, just because it is...
It’s rare that any developer working on a legendary franchise gets to truly reimagine it. Often times, we’re left with new iterations of the same games...
The 2016 calendar year may be coming to a close soon, but game developers and publishers still have a lot that’s on its way to store shelves....
With a ludicrously popular Pokémon game already dominating mobile entertainment, it’s almost absurd that players are getting another chance to visit the world of Pocket Monsters again...
For two years, gamers have enjoyed a lull in the video game console market. The Wii U, Nintendo’s current generation video game console, debuted in 2012,...
The video game remaster has become a hot topic for the entire gaming community. Lookingat the release calendar for this winter, there are just as many...