Around 1450, a man named Johannes Gutenberg created a device that has had an immeasurable impact upon all people. His machine, the printing press, made it...
Okay, so my reasons for not wanting an iPad boil down to lack of active pen input and me being a steadfast pen enthusiast. Obviously, I’m...
Being a mobile computing enthusiast, I’m often viewed by normal people, non-geeks, as being on the cutting edge, the high-tech guy. However, after putting my hands...
Not 100% sure the iPad screen is exactly 4:3, but it sure isn’t widescreen. Looked blocky to me, but then I remembered the fuss when Tablet...
If you placed your bets on the iPad just being a big iPhone, you definitely lost money. As seen in the shot of its email operation...
So the iPad on-screen keyboard is just a big QWERTY that stretches across the screen. Yes, it looks big enough to easily access, but terribly unimaginative....
Yes, I too am disappointed in myself for re-using this lame joke, particularly since it’s way past its expiration date (curse the speed of the Internet),...