If you’re looking for a fun April fools iPhone pranks to play on April 1st there are nine incredibly easy iPhone pranks users can pull in a...
Apple’s reputation of bringing out new and innovative devices is well-known, but sometimes even Apple can take a few missteps. Many of Apple’s poorly thought-out or poorly...
Motion unveiled some nice enhancements to their C5 and F5 adding Verizon Wireless support, draft n wireless, SSD, and redressing the F5 in rugged-friendly black. We...
Recognizing the absurdity that has become the Eee PC line and wanting to reform their ways, Asus has called in the dogs and discontinued the Eee...
Surprising many analysts and enthusiasts, Microsoft today showed off new Inking features that will be available in Windows 7. According to a spokesman: In addition to...
An AT&T spokesman today sheepishly admitted that the communications giant is admitting that it completely missed the boat with its 3G coverage and will begin offering...
Not long after I finished that previous post about April Fools Day it looks like the fun has started. Smashing Magazine has a post talking about...
Get ready for April Fools Day on the Internet. Those who’ve been around for awhile know that you should always look skeptically at any post on...