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iOS 13.7 Problems: 5 Things You Need to Know



Apple’s iOS 13.7 update is causing problems for some iPhone users.

iOS 13.7 is a small milestone upgrade and it brings new features and under-the-hood improvements to the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, and iPhone SE 2.

Some iPhone users are noticing positive changes after moving up from iOS 13.6.1 and older iOS software. On the flip side, some iPhone users are noticing bugs and a variety of performance issues after installing the new firmware. Some of these issues have carried over from older versions of iOS, others are brand new.

In this guide to iOS 13 problems we’ll take you through the current state of these issues. We’ll show you where to find potential fixes for the most common iOS 13 problems and provide you with some resources that should help if you run into trouble.

We’ll also touch on the state of the downgrade and outline what you can expect from Apple and iOS 13 down the road.

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iOS 13.7 Problems

As we push away from iOS 13.7’s release we are seeing complaints about bugs and performance problems. Some of the issues are minor, others are much bigger.

Some users are having trouble downloading and installing the new update. If your iOS 13.7 installation gets stuck, try hard resetting your phone. This typically resolves the issue.

We’re also seeing complaints about abnormal amounts of UI lag, AirPlay issues, Touch ID and Face ID issues, weird battery drain, issues with first and third-party apps, Exchange issues, HomePod issues, iMessage issues, Wi-Fi problems, Bluetooth problems, CarPlay issues, lockups, freezes, and crashes.

In particular, it looks like the Music application is causing significant battery drain for some iPhone users running iOS 13.5.1. The app is apparently draining tons of battery when it’s not in use.

As of right now, it’s unclear if the iOS 13.7 update fixes the issue. In the meantime, it looks like turning off Background App Refresh in Settings could help.

Apple’s also confirmed issues with personal hotspot and the problems apparently date back to iOS 13.1.2. iOS 13.1.2 was released back in September.

According to MacRumors, Apple has told service providers to instruct people dealing with this problem to toggle Personal Hotspot off and then toggle it back on. This is a temporary fix while we wait for a permanent solution.

We expect the list of iOS 13.7 problems to grow as more people transition from iOS 12, iOS 13.0, iOS 13.1, iOS 13.1.1, iOS 13.1.2, iOS 13.1.3, iOS 13.2, iOS 13.2.2, iOS 13.2.3, iOS 13.3, iOS 13.3.1, iOS 13.4, iOS 13.4.1, iOS 13.5, iOS 13.5.1, iOS 13.6, and iOS 13.6.1 to the latest software.

If you haven’t downloaded the iOS 13.7 update yet, we recommend preparing your iPhone for the download. Some prep work ahead of time can help you avoid major headaches.

We’ve put together a step-by-step pre-installation process and it will take you through the best way to prepare for the move.

Where to Find Feedback

If you’re currently running an older version of iOS 13 or you’re planning to upgrade, you’ll want to sift through feedback from those we have installed the software. This feedback will alert you to potential bugs and performance issues.

We’ve released our list of reasons to and not to install the iOS 13.7 update and it’s a good starting point for those of you weighing a potential upgrade.

We also recommend keeping an eye on YouTube, Apple’s discussion forums, social media sites like Twitter/Facebook, and the MacRumors forums for additional feedback about iOS 13.7’s performance.

We’ve published our mini iOS 13.7 reviews for the iPhone 11, iPhone XS, iPhone XRiPhone X, iPhone 8iPhone 7, iPhone 6s, and iPhone SE so check those out if you need additional feedback.

How to Fix iOS 13.7 Problems

Some issues might require a fix from Apple, but some you might be able to fix on your own.

Before you make an appointment at your local Apple Store, have a look at our list of fixes for the most common iOS 13 problems. It might have what you’re looking for.

We’ve also released some tips that could help you improve your device’s performance and a guide that shows you how to fix iOS 13 battery life problems.

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If you can’t find what you’re looking for in our guides, you should head on over to Apple’s discussion forums. If they can’t help you, you might want to get in contact with Apple Support via Twitter or via the Apple’s website.

If you still can’t fix your issue(s), you might want to schedule an appointment to see a Genius at your local Apple Store (if it’s open). They should be able to diagnose your problem in minutes.

You Can’t Downgrade from iOS 13.7

If you can’t stand iOS 13.7’s performance on your iPhone, note that you can no longer move your phone back to the previous version of iOS 13.

Apple has stopped signing on iOS 13.6.1 which means you can’t drop your iPhone’s software back in effort to improve its performance.

The company’s also closed off the downgrade path back to iOS 13.6, iOS 13.5.1, iOS 13.5, iOS 13.4.1, iOS 13.4, iOS 13.3.1, iOS 13.3, iOS 13.2.3, iOS 13.2.2, iOS 13.2, iOS 13.1.3, iOS 13.1.2, iOS 13.1.1, iOS 13.1, iOS 13.0, iOS 12.4.1, iOS 12.4, iOS 12.3.2, iOS 12.3.1, iOS 12.3, iOS 12.2, iOS 12.1,4, iOS 12.1.3, iOS 12.1.2, iOS 12.1.1, iOS 12.1, iOS 12.0.1, iOS 12.0, and iOS 11 so there’s no going back to any of those updates either.

For more about how the downgrade process works, take a look at our walkthrough.

What’s Next

iOS 13.7 represents the last known iOS 13 upgrade and there’s a chance it’s the final update for the company’s current operating system.

Apple is working hard on iOS 14 and the beta is now available via the company’s beta programs. If your phone is really struggling on iOS 13, you might want to make the jump to iOS 14.

We expect the final iOS 14 release to come sometime in September or October ahead of Apple’s new iPhones. The iPhone 12 announcements are currently rumored for October, but there’s always a chance the software rolls out sooner than that.

For more on iOS 14 and the beta, take a look at our guide.

4 Reasons Not to Install iOS 14.8.1 & 11 Reasons You Should

Install iOS 14.8.1 for Better Security

Install iOS 14.8.1 for Better Security

If security is important to you, think about installing iOS 14.8.1 right away.

The iOS 14.8.1 update brings 12 new security patches to the iPhone. You can read about all of them over on Apple's site

If you want to better protect your iPhone and its data, you'll want to install the iOS 14.8.1 update in the near future. 

If you missed iOS 14.8, you'll get its security patches with your upgrade. You can learn more about them right here

If you missed iOS 14.7.1, you'll get its patch with your upgrade. If you want to learn more about iOS 14.7.1's security update, check out its support page.

If you missed iOS 14.7, you'll get its 31 security patches with your upgrade. You can learn more about those on Apple's website

If you skipped iOS 14.6, you'll get the update's 38 security patches with your iOS 14.8.1 update. If you're curious about the particulars, you can read about them right here.

If you skipped iOS 14.5.1, you get the update's two security patches on board. You can read about them over on Apple's website. Both are related to WebKit. 

If you missed iOS 14.5 you'll get its patches with your upgrade. You can read more about those changes over on Apple's website.

iOS 14.5 also brought Apple's new App Tracking Transparency which lets you control which apps are allowed to track your activity across other companies' apps and websites for ads or sharing with data brokers.

If you skipped iOS 14.4.2, you get its security patch with iOS 14.8.1. You can learn more about that patch over on Apple's website as well. 

If you missed iOS 14.4.1, you get its patch with your upgrade to iOS 14.8.1. You can read about that patch right here.

If you skipped iOS 14.4, you get the update's patches with your upgrade. You can learn more about iOS 14.4's security patches right here

If you skipped iOS 14.3 you'll get its nine security updates with your upgrade. You can read more about them on its security site

iOS 14.3 also included a new privacy information section on App Store pages that includes a developer-reported summary of the app’s privacy practices.

If you skipped iOS 14.2, your iOS 14.8.1 update includes 24 additional security patches. You can learn more about the patches on Apple's security website

If you're still running iOS 13, iOS 14.8.1 includes iOS 14.0's security updates. 

iOS 14.0 brought 11 new security patches to the iPhone. If you're interested in the exact nature of these improvements, you can read about them over on Apple's website.

In addition to those patches, iOS 14 comes with some security and privacy upgrades including improvements to Home/HomeKit and Safari. 

For instance in Safari, you can now tap the Privacy Report button to better understand how websites handle your privacy.

With iOS 14 on board you can now get information on the App Store that will help you understand the privacy practices of apps before you download them. 

There is also a new recording indicator that will appear at the top of your screen whenever an app is using your microphone or camera. You can see if an app has used them recently in Control Center.

Researchers also discovered that Apple brought a new "BlastDoor" sandbox security system to iOS 14. The system is meant to prevent attacks from occurring via the Messages app. 

You can read more about "BlastDoor" right here

Last update on 2024-06-11. This post may contain affiliate links. Click here to read our disclosure policy for more details. Images via Amazon API



  1. Max

    09/27/2019 at 1:48 pm

    Weird thing for me, ios 13.1.1 doesn’t even show up to download!

  2. Jack st lawrence

    09/29/2019 at 8:40 pm

    My iPhone X will not load ANY EMAILS. My iPad will, but loads them very slowly.

    • Marisa

      10/01/2019 at 5:34 am

      I’m having the same email issues. The screen is white. If emails do load the app then crashes or takes forever to open a message.

  3. Miguel

    09/30/2019 at 10:31 am

    Anyone else having connectivity issues when going from WiFi to network connection? When I leave my phone and my phone goes to LTE, I get a no connection error message even though my phone displays LTE. I’m always having to restart my phone, or in some cases, reset my network but that’s only a temporary issue.

  4. Tim Halpin

    09/30/2019 at 5:36 pm

    I’m having the issue on my iPhone X where it shows LTE and not wi-fi, along with a number of third-party apps that don’t appear to be connecting to the internet at all. I took my phone to the Apple Store on Saturday and waited two hours for a “Genius” to tell me she had no idea why this was happening. Tried downgrading to 12 — it took 6 hours to download the IPSW file, I went thru the process of starting over with a new phone, and when I restored from iCloud it ONLY gave me the option to install 13.1.2 again. I couldn’t opt out of the update, so I did it, hoping whatever was broken would magically fix itself. Nope. Same issues, different OS. Very frustrating. I have an 11 Pro on order — hopefully Apple fixes these issues before it arrives, or I’ll have an even MORE expensive phone that doesn’t work the way it should.

  5. Charles Kurre

    10/01/2019 at 10:42 am

    iPhone 8+ Since update to 13.1.2 cox email imap & smpt setttings used for the past ten years no longer work, so no getting or sending email from the phone using the account. My work around is email forwarding all emails from cox web mail to second email account I also get on my phone, but this is a bummer

  6. RICK

    10/02/2019 at 11:45 am



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