Just a week after Barnes and Noble released their 1.3 update to the nook, Amazon begins the release of their update to the Kindle 2 and...
Amazon made big news this week with the release of its larger Kindle DX, and while we still have some unanswered questions about the device and...
As expected, rumored, and already hashed about, Amazon unveiled the Kindle DX today saying that the Kindle is now a family of devices and that “wireless...
The press conference on the new Amazon Kindle DX is just starting but if you go to Amazon you can already pre-order one for $489.
With what looks like the advent of a new Amazon Kindle and continued talk of an Apple Tablet of sorts, Crunchpads, and other just over the...
Looks like those who were hoping and speculating about a larger Amazon Kindle being used for text books will be getting their wish. The Wall...