On Wednesday, Facebook announced, along with its integration with Skype for video calls and chat, group chat with archived conversation history saved to your Facebook messages,...
Microsoft may be secretly building support for front-facing cameras with the next iteration of Windows Phone 7 hardware that will be released with the Mango update...
If you own a Nexus S, run it on T-Mobile’s network and haven’t been able to get Google Talk’s video chat feature that arrived with the...
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Microsoft seems to be the last standing company rumored to be in talks to purchase the popular Internet telephone...
Earlier today, Google announced that it was bringing Android 2.3.4 and video chat capabilities through Google Talk to the Nexus S in the next couple of...
Earlier today, Google announced that it would be releasing Android 2.3.4 to the Nexus S and the Nexus One bringing video chatting via Google Talk to...
Google’s Nexus Twitter account just announced that Android 2.3.4 will be rolling out to Nexus S and Nexus One owners in the next few weeks and...
Android may soon get its own native video chat that integrates with Google Talk and Gmail according to a Twitter message. The feature may be announced...
In an email to a Skype customer inquiry, video chat service Skype hinted that the company’s video chat app for Verizon Wireless is completed or near...
The leaked 4G-enabled Skype app for the HTC Thunderbolt that brought video calling contains some serious vulnerabilities that exposes the user’s personal information to other apps...
The HTC Thunderbolt is the first 4G LTE phone to hit Verizon, and it is also the first Android device on Verizon to be able to...
At the 4G press conference today, U.S. carrier Verizon Wireless made the HTC Thunderbolt official as a 4G smartphone for its emerging LTE network, which will...
Skype has just released an update to its iOS apps, which will now allow video calls and chat with other Skype users. The service will work...
After the release of the Android 2.3, also known as Gingerbread, SDK yesterday, developers have discovered icons for video chat within the SDK. Video chat is...