Keeping your New Year’s resolutions is a lot harder than simply making them, but you can use apps on iPhone and Android to help you keep...
Getting in shape in the new year? Don’t forget that being fit comes not only from exercise and movement but also thinking about your diet. Not...
The beginning of a new year usually inspires people to want to better themselves, expand their minds or skill sets, and generally learn new things. Some...
Did you make a New Years Resolution to quit smoking or drinking? It’s pretty hard to break such strong habits, though there are strategies you can use...
Nothing like the beginning of a new year to get us thinking about time, the passing thereof, and how to manage it better so we have...
The holidays are just about over and many of you who traveled to visit family are soon set to make the trek back home if you...
Getting a better job is an ever popular New Year’s Resolution. If you’ve decided that 2012 is your year to make more money, get better benefits...
If you need help keeping your New Year’s Resolutions for money and finances in 2012, consider turning to your iPhone or Android smartphone for help. These powerful companions...
It’s the first day of 2012 and you know what that means: hangovers! And resolutions. It’s what everyone does as the old year rolls over into...